Company Formation

Make Your Dream Of Expanding Your Business To The Global Market A Reality With Our Company Formation Services


*Federal Filing Fees charged separately


If a company wants to be classified as a pass-through business for federal tax purposes, it can submit a S corporation election with the Internal Revenue Service. The S-company structure is important during transitions such as management changes and firm closures.

S companies are required to safeguard shareholder funds. Any shareholder's assets will not be used to pay off the liabilities and responsibilities. As a result, the sale of S company shares is tax-free.


For new business owners, the C Corporation is a common formal framework. The majority of business owners choose firm A-C due to the various advantages they provide. Owners of C corporations are the least exposed to personal liability of all of these possibilities.

C-Corporations can have an infinite number of stockholders. Stock purchases are another unregulated behavior.


LLC (Limited Liability Company)

In today's modern world, the Limited Liability Company is a prominent company form. A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is useful as an organizational structure for small businesses. This sort of business is simple to start, takes little initial cash, and yields large profits.

Personal liability of the proprietors of a limited liability corporation (LLC) may be limited in specific instances. When a company is still in its early phases, it cannot be held liable.

LLCs are not required to pay federal income tax. LLC revenue taxes are usually reflected on individual owners' tax filings rather than the LLC's financial records due to the possibility of "pass-through" taxation.

Pricing Plans

We offer packages which ensure through service deliver at a cost that is better than the rest.



  • Ensure that you are not accountable for any company obligations.
  • Company Formation Using a Straightforward Process: Our three-step process starts with inputting your information, followed by choosing a service and finishing with payment.
  • Decide whether you want to be treated as a corporation or an LLC to potentially save money on your taxes.

Non-Profit Organization

The fundamental purpose of a non-profit corporation is not to maximize profits. It is not the same as an LLC, C-Corp, or S-Corp. The only objective of this business is to benefit employees by transferring earnings to them; no money is distributed to investors.

As previously indicated, the non-profit business is largely utilized to pay the employees' monthly compensation.

Why Choose Us

Simple and effective procedure

We have streamlined our process in such a way that it can benefit every company and individual. We don’t want our clients to go-through all that bulky paperwork and hassled process.


We have been the talk of the town for quite a while and we know what has to be done and how the hurdles should be overcome. We have made it easy for thousands of companies to establish their sub-companies within no time

100% satisfaction

We are known for our effective ways and our outstanding outcomes. We don’t over-promise, but we surely over-deliver than your expectations.

Satisfied Customers

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"I want to express my sincere gratitude to Trademark Unit for their invaluable help in copyrighting our designs. We truly appreciate their commitment to safeguarding our creative work."

Michael Roberts

"Kudos to Trademark Unit for their outstanding trademark search services! As we prepared to launch our brand, their team conducted a thorough search, ensuring our chosen name was unique and available for trademark registration."

Emily Adams

"I cannot thank Trademark Unit enough for their exceptional trademark registration services. From conducting a comprehensive trademark search to guiding us through the entire process, they had everything sorted out."

Sarah Johnson

"I want to extend my thanks to Trademark Unit for their remarkable trademark and copyright services. Their expertise and professionalism in handling the registration process were commendable."

David Lee